Inspiration for the Johnny Depp and Ben Kingsley versions of the classic tale of the man who gave his customers a close shave--every time! Here by the author of Varney the Vampire is the thrilling Victorian shocker about Sweeney Todd, the fearsome barber of Fleet Street, a tale reputed to be "Founded on Facts." His weapon of choice is a straight razor, with which he cuts his victims' throats. The woman who is his lover, friend, and partner in crime helps hide the crimes--and turns a decent profit--by butchering the corpses of Todd's victims, baking their flesh into meat pies, and selling them to unknowing customers. He is also assisted by an unwitting apprentice lad, who he hold in thrall with fear, but who longs to aid in unmasking his crimes. Meanwhile Sweeney has to decide whether to kill or let live his innocent niece and the young man who has fallen in love with her. And his knife hangs like a guillotine over both their heads.