Hilarious Spy Spoof! Move over James Bond, get out of town, Austin Powers. Here comes the greatest, funniest, side-splittingest, sexiest secret agent of them all! Get set for a wild thrill ride with British Secret Service Agent Plumm Pudden — code name Whistling Nostril. You'll think of him as Agent "Ho! Ho! Seven," licensed to thrill you with laughter. Mix with the weirdest, wildest, wackiest horniest characters ever to hit the printed page, combined into one loony, laugh-packed action scene and lovematch after another and what do you have? A delicious Plumm pudding of fun and wacky erotica. It begins when Dr. Strangecock, leader of the Society of Mentally Unbalanced Tyrants, allies himself with that scoundrel Himmelfart. The ending is so outrageous you wouldn't believe us if we described it to you. The Whistling Nostril is likely to be the funniest erotic mystery you've read in a long, long while!