Philip Ketchum’s Pageturner Editions eBooks Philip Ketchum's Pageturner Editions eBooks Sort By: Choose Sorting Low to High High to Low A to Z Z to A New to Old Old to New DESPERATION VALLEY [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum GUN LAW [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum GUN TRAIL [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum GUNS OF THE BARRICADE BUNCH [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum RENEGADE RANGE [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum RIDER FROM TEXAS [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum SADDLE BUM [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum TEXAN ON THE PROD [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum TEXAS GUN [West of the Wide Missouri] by Philip Ketchum