“Action, character development, good plots … worthy of the attention of western fans.” Vermont Daily Messenger
There were four things Linus Coleman had against power-hungry Sam Holloway:
#1. Holloway taking over the town, and wasn’t above murder.
#2. Holloway had stolen the Coleman ranch by killing Linus' father and brother.
#3. Linus stood in the way of Holloway’s dream of empire, and Holloway wanted him dead.
#4. Holloway had used Susan Talbot.
As far as Linus was concerned, any one of these was reason enough to challenge Holloway, but Linus wasn’t ready to go outside the law.
All he could do was watch and wait, for a Holloway to make a slip-up. On that day Linus would prove Holloway’s crimes, that day his gun would become judge and executioner, barking out verdicts against Sam Holloway and his hired gunslingers.
But with the whole range swarming with Holloway’s bullet-mad pistoleros, Linus knew he’d be lucky to even live through the night.
“A good writer..” Arizona Daily Star
To most pioneers, ranchers, cattlemen, and the hard-bitten men and women still seeking wide open spaces, the Missouri and Mississippi rivers marked the dividing line between the East and the West. On one bank lay culture, civilization, law, on the other the unknown, with only a few widely scattered army forts to keep them safe in an area the size of many continents. Once across the water and past the point where the Missouri flowed into the Mississippi, these migrants were completely on their own in a way that neither they, nor the people they left behind in Eastern cities, villages and farms, could truly imagine. At forty-eight, Philip Ketchum, a westerner who lived his entire life in Arizona and Colorado, began to write a multibook saga exploring the hardships and triumphs of the men and women who pressed on beyond the Wide Missouri, of the lawlessness they faced, of the stands they took, and of the stories and legends they left behind.
Philip Ketchum (1902 - 1969) was born in Trinidad, Colorado, graduated from the University of Denver and spent a decade as a teacher and social worker in Arizona and Colorado. In the 1930s, he began writing and selling adventure, western, and mystery stories to the pulp magazines. In the 1950s and ‘60s, he earned a reputation for writing critically acclaimed westerns. He is best known for a series of westerns set on the Missouri side of the Mississippi river after the Civil War.