From their secret laboratory in the Santa Monica Mountains, Johnny, his scientist father, and his private-eye uncle send the remotely controlled metal robot, the Titan, on missions of daring, though Professor London would rather the machine be kept a secret until it can be tested thoroughly. The boy, however, knows that his mechanical alter-ego can and must be a force for Justice in society.
Even as trouble brews at Johnny’s school, he must focus his attention on the problem of another mechanical man – a cyborg, a robot with a human brain – that goes on a sudden rampage of destruction, a metal monster that stands “Bestride the Narrow World”.
The Londons thought Bailey Manfred, tried, convicted, and incarcerated for his crimes, was gone for good, but you can’t keep a criminal genius down for long. And as trouble mounts at school, the Londons must also handle the return of Hellbat – “The Fastest Crook Alive!”
At last, the source of trouble at Johnny’s school is revealed, but things there have become so troubled and hateful that perhaps no one can fix them. When anger and fear are the enemies, how can a robot combat the intangible? How can the Londons overcome the amazing “Night Star”?
Johnny London, high-school student and master of the mighty robot, the Titan, is back in more exciting adventures from “The Emperor’s Secret Files” as related by Charles Lee Jackson, II.
And this special bonus adventure:
Former U.S. agent Max Decker and his friend Ed Green both work for The Empire, the secret agency that lies behind a Hollywood film studio. But while Ed relishes his job, Decker grows increasingly restless, and so it is a surprise when both men find themselves working a case of their own, one in which a renegade scientist is extorting businessmen in a “Caveman Shakedown”.